This stack combines all courses from the Trauma-Informed Series.
In Module 1, Creating a Healing Centered Learning Environment, you will...
Learn what trauma is.
- Recognize how you can support students with trauma using Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions.
- Explain how trauma impacts the brain.
- Know how to create a healing-centered learning environment.
In Module 2, Trauma-Informed Supports for Students, you will learn...
How trauma affects the brain.
How you can support students with trauma using Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions.
What school systems should be in place to help kids with trauma.
How educators can connect families to support services.
Strategies to de-escalate situations.
Ethical considerations when supporting students with trauma.
In Module 3, Secondary Trauma, you will...
- Identify the causes and implications of secondary trauma (also known as compassion fatigue) on themselves, and develop a healing-centered practice that supports them in their work with students.
Define trauma and explain its prevalence among students in school.
Identify the causes and implications of secondary trauma (also known as compassion fatigue).
Create and apply healing-centered, personal self-care practices to address the effects of secondary traumatic stress.
Develop a list of accessible resources for additional support to address compassion fatigue.
In Module 4, Creating Healing Centered Learning Environments for Students Who Are Refugees, you will...
Explain the meaning of key terms related to the refugee experience.
Explain how refugees are placed in the U.S. and the support families receive from local, state, and federal agencies.
Outline key actions that create a welcoming, healing-centered learning environment for students who are refugees.
Develop and implement a healing-centered plan to support students who are refugees.
In Module 5, Race-Based Trauma, you will...
- Better understand race-based trauma and better understand how society and schools can create conditions that may lead to race-based trauma.
Identify how racial bias, discrimination, and other acts rooted in individual and systemic racism traumatize students of color, and cause adversity and stress.
Define race-based trauma.
Comprehend how race-based trauma impacts their students’ health.
Effectively disrupt these systems and build healing-centered learning environments.
In Module 6, Poverty Related Trauma, you will...
- Reflect on your underlying assumptions about poverty.
Identify the factors that contribute to poverty.
Explain the definition of trauma.
Identify how poverty can be linked to traumatic experiences.
Recognize the behaviors and negative learning outcomes associated with poverty-related trauma.
Create a plan for supporting your students who are experiencing poverty-related trauma.
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