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MNEA members can take more than 90-course offerings for free, including the MEMBERS ONLY Leadership Series. Sign in or create an account to enroll in courses at no cost, and view member-exclusive courses.

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In this course bundle, you will learn how federal, state, local, and school policies can support a bully-free environment; how the relationship between school connectedness and school climate plays a role in creating a positive teaching and learning environment; and the definition of bullying and sexual harassment and learn to recognize it when they see it.  Educators need to respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior to send a clear message that bullying is not acceptable. Research shows that consistent intervention procedures can stop bullying behavior over time, whereas doing nothing at all can make the bullying infinitely worse. There are simple steps adults can take to stop bullying on the spot and keep students safe. Educators will identify how the school culture and climate affect bullying. While educators are well-intentioned, they need guidance, training, and support to intervene effectively. Read more

This stack pairs the companion courses, Introduction to Coaching and Leading People and Team Specialization, as they both expand on many of the approaches described for working one-on-one with another educator. These first two modules are prerequisites to diving into the Leadership Developing. Read more

This stack is a comprehensive set of modules to support virtual coaches and mentors of teachers.  Read more

This course combines all DECC Courses in one stack for the full DECC Series.  Read more

This stack combines all 7 modules in the ELL Series; they do not have to be completed in sequential order.  Read more

All 3 LGBTQ+ Series modules are combined in this course. Read more

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